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Kostenvoranschlag und Einkauf

Die Felder mit (*) sind Pflichtfelder

Wählen Sie den Servis

Prezzo =>
Offerta =>
Titolo Offerta =>
Id Offerta =>
Id Cliente =>
Totale =>
Ticket =>
Mezzo =>
Bagagli =>
Prezzo_seggiolino =>
Prezzo_animali_a_seguito =>
Costo_extra =>
Specifiche Costo_extra =>
Capacita =>
Servizio Personalizzato =>
Orario mare =>

Wählen Sie die Abfahrt und das Ziel des Transfers

Abfahrt von:
Geben Sie die gewünschte Abreise an:

Wählen Sie ein anderes Fahrzeug

Informationen zum Flug der Hinreise

*Datum des Servis hinreise
*Datum des Fluges *Datum des Servis
*Herkunft des Fluges
*Geben Sie den Namen der Fluggesellschaft ein
*Datum des Fluges *Datum des Servis
*Herkunft des Fluges
*Geben Sie den Namen der Fluggesellschaft ein

Informationen zum Rückflug

*Datum des Servis rückflug
*Datum des Fluges *Datum des Servis
*Herkunft des Fluges
*Geben Sie den Namen der Fluggesellschaft ein
*Datum des Fluges
*Herkunft des Fluges
*Geben Sie den Namen der Fluggesellschaft ein

Informationen über die Passagiere

Wenn Sie die Buchung für mehrere Personen vornehmen möchten, geben Sie bitte nur einen Passagier an
Bitte eine mobile Handy-nummer mit internazionaler Vorwahl eingeben.
*Anzahl der Erwachsenen während der Reise
Anzahl der Kinder unter 3 Jahren

Extra Gepäck   info
Jeder Fluggast kann ein Gepäckstück + ein Handgepäck mitnehmen.
Zusätzliches Gepäck versteht sich als MEHRGEPÄCK.
*Anzahl des Extragepäcks angeben 

Folgende Haustiere   info
Der Transport von Haustieren ist ausschließlich im VIP-Service erlaubt.
Das Tier muss während der Buchung angegeben werden.
*Anzahl der Tiere angeben

Anzahl der Tiere angeben




*Adresse (Gerichtsstand)

Bitte geben sie ihre gesamte Mehrwertsteuernummer an - Beispiel: IT111111111111


für die italienischen Kunden


Regelungen über den Umgang mit persönlichen Daten



INFORMATIVE EX ART.13 Italian Decree no.196/2003
("Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali")

Dear Mr / Mrs,
according to article no. 13 of the Italian law no.196/2003, which lays down the  rules for the protection of people and other subjects regarding the processing of personal data, we want to provide the following information:
1. The personal data you provide will be used in particular for sending advertising materials or information, send business information, interactive sales communication.
2. The data processing will be done using paper or computer and / or computer also by third parties for whom the knowledge of your personal information is necessary or relevant to the exercise of any event of our Company, in each case the treatment will be according to principles of fairness, lawfulness and transparency and the protection of your privacy and your rights.
3. The data controller is:
4. At any time you can exercise your rights towards the holder of the treatment according to article 7 of Italian Law no.196/2003 transcribed below:
Italian Decree no.196/2003,
Art. 7 - Right of access to personal data and other rights
1. All those concerned have the right to obtain confirmation of the existence of personal data that involve him, even if still not registered, and its clear communication.
2. All those concerned have the right to know:
a) the origin of personal data;
b) the aim of its use;
c) the logic put in place when personal data is processed through electronic means;
d) personal details of the holders and representatives in charge of processing, as stated in paragraph 2 of the law above mentioned;
e) the bodies or type of bodies to which personal data is communicated or can become acquainted with, as the representative of the State territory, responsible or in charge of.
3. All those concerned have the right to obtain:
a) the update, correction or, if necessary, the inclusion of new data;
b) the deletion, transformation, in anonymous form, or the blocking of personal data when it is processed against the law, including that for which conservation is not included in relation with the aims for which the data was previously collected or subsequently processed;
c) the declaration that the operations mentioned in letters a) and b) have been communicated to those whose data has been used or diffused, even as far as its content is concerned, unless such fulfilment cannot be brought forward or needs means which are not proportionate to the right safeguarded.
4. All those concerned have the right to oppose in whole or in part:
a) for legitimate reasons relating to the processing of personal data or to the aim of the collection;
b) the processing of personal data that concerns him for the dispatch of advertising materials, direct selling, market research or advertising communications.
Having read the notice provided by the data controller according to article 13 of Italian Decree no. 196/2003, the undersigned gives his consent for the use of his personal data for the purposes outlined in the notice?

Realizzazione sito web: Synthetic Lab